
We love what we do because it simply makes sense.

Although we are a small team, we share great common values, and these values come with your Breddy's.


Claus is the conscientious man who has dedicated his life to creating a clean clothing industry. When he's not writing a book, giving talks or helping other companies with organisational development, he's taking care of Breddy's productions. But when he needs a break, he immerses himself in his other passions: crossfit, ski touring and climbing mountains.


Manuela is an all-rounder and jumps in wherever she is needed. Product development is her area of responsibility and nobody knows Breddy's better than she does. She takes the time to develop and implement structures with her team and has a solution for every problem. In her spare time, she loves to spend time with her many animals in her garden, where she grows vegetables for the whole year.


Martina is not only our financial expert, but also the organisational talent at Breddy's. She ensures that all areas run smoothly and are implemented reliably. We can all rely on her 100%. In her spare time, she is a proud mum to two cute furry friends.


Babsi ist bei BREDDY’S für die Buchhaltung zuständig und unterstützt uns auch im Kundenservice. Sie bringt nicht nur Ordnung in die Zahlen, sondern auch jede Menge positive Energie ins Team. Mit ihrer Freude am Lernen ist sie eine wertvolle Unterstützung in allen Bereichen. In ihrer Freizeit verbringt Babsi jede freie Minute mit ihren zwei kleinen Mädchen, die ihr Ein und Alles sind. Wenn sie nicht gerade puzzelt, genießt sie entspannte Spaziergänge mit ihrem Hund, um zur Ruhe zu kommen. Babsi ist eine Bereicherung für BREDDY’S und ein unverzichtbarer Teil unseres Teams.