Nachhaltigkeit in der Bekleidungsindustrie

Nachhaltigkeit in der Bekleidungsindustrie

 Wie weit reist deine Kleidung, bevor sie bei dir ankommt? 🚢✈️🚛 Viele Kleidungsstücke legen Tausende von Kilometern zurück – von der Rohstoffgewinnung bis zur Konfektionierung. Dabei entstehen immense Umweltbelastungen und...
Claus Bretschneider
1700 Aussteller aus 53 Ländern: Ein starkes Zeichen

1700 Aussteller aus 53 Ländern: Ein starkes Zeichen

Das Konzept Messe lebt und sehr offensichtlich lebt auch die Textil- und Bekleidungsbranche. Die kürzlich abgehaltene Doppelmesse, Techtextil und Texprocess in Frankfurt, erwies sich als beeindruckendes Schaufenster für die Zukunft der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. Mit 1700 Ausstellern aus 53 Ländern bot die Veranstaltung eine umfassende Plattform für Innovationen und Trends in der technischen Textilindustrie sowie der Bekleidungs- und textilverarbeitenden Industrie.

Claus Bretschneider
BREDDY‘S 2.0 - wir starten jetzt neu durch

BREDDY‘S 2.0 - wir starten jetzt neu durch

Im letzten Monat haben wir mit BREDDY’S neu gestartet. Mit einem runderneuerten Konzept, einem neuen Produktionspartner und einem stark reduzierten Team – dafür mit extrem viel Freude und noch mehr Energie als je zuvor!
Claus Bretschneider
Bleiben wir positiv!

Let's stay positive!

Even if there is bad news, there is plenty of good news: different things and information about clothing really impressed me in the same week. It should also be mentioned that you don't have to travel far for good news from the textile world. Many brilliant things are happening practically on our doorstep.

Claus Bretschneider
Das Lieferkettengesetz verhindern – echt jetzt?

Preventing the Supply Chain Act - really now?

The German government's smallest coalition partner has refused to give its consent to the EU's Supply Chain Act. The responsible Austrian Minister Kocher from the ÖVP (Austrian People's Party) also refuses to give his consent. What the Austrian and German governments have thus prevented will please many large, globally active companies in many different sectors: they can continue to generate their profits unchallenged on the backs of the socially disadvantaged.

Claus Bretschneider
Wie nachhaltig ist der Einkauf des Staates?

How sustainable is government purchasing?

Responsibility for the supply chain affects us all - and therefore also the state itself.

It is crucial that government institutions not only promote legislation, but also prioritise sustainability and environmental friendliness in their own procurement practices. This article highlights the current developments, challenges and possible solutions related to public procurement in the context of efforts to improve sustainability and environmental protection.

Claus Bretschneider
Hände mit Erde und Setzling

Understanding and shaping the value chain

The design of the value chain is an essential part of corporate strategy. Companies in the textile and clothing industry must regularly, intensively and, above all, critically examine their own value chain and optimise it on an ongoing basis, especially against the backdrop of constantly changing market conditions.

Claus Bretschneider
Die Pläne der EU im Green Deal – und wie können sie umgesetzt werden

The EU's plans in the Green Deal - and how they can be implemented

"By 2030, textile products on the EU market are durable and recyclable, made mostly from recycled fibres, contain no hazardous substances and are produced in a way that respects social...
Claus Bretschneider
Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Bekleidungsindustrie - BREDDYS Blog

Closing the loop

The future of sustainable industry lies in the circular economy. This also applies to the textile and apparel industry. It is understood to mean the reuse of resources that have already been used. And this is how it should work: A piece of clothing is not thrown away at the end of its product life, but transformed into a new, precisely recycled product. In practice, unfortunately, this is not yet quite as established as it should be. We want to change that!
Claus Bretschneider
Technologieentwicklung, ein Stiefkind der Bekleidungsbranche - BREDDYS Blog

Technology development, a stepchild of the apparel industry

In the last two weeks I visited different manufacturing companies in Austria and Germany in the textile and apparel industry and in the automotive industry. The companies have one thing...
Claus Bretschneider
Geht nachhaltig auch billig? - BREDDY'S Blog

Is sustainable also cheap?

"I'll buy four pieces of clothing for this price",  "I can also get sustainability certificates there", "You with your sustainability, all well and good, but nobody can afford that". Not...
Claus Bretschneider
Naturfaser, Kunstfaser oder Hybride? In welchem Material liegt die Zukunft einer nachhaltigen Bekleidungsbranche? - BREDDY'S Blog

Natural fiber, synthetic fiber or hybrid? In which material does the future of a sustainable clothing industry lie?

In May 2019 - almost exactly two years ago - the 22nd "EU Forum on eco-innovation" took place in Vienna. For the first time in the history of this European...
Claus Bretschneider