RIZINUS – Der Wunderbaum Die Pflanze
Ricinus (ricinus communis) is a very fast-growing, undemanding plant from the spurge family. Parts of the plant's seeds are highly toxic, but the oil that can be extracted from the flowers has been used as a remedy for thousands of years. Castor oil is used in medicine as a natural laxative for digestive problems and very often in cosmetics, as it has moisturising and disinfecting properties. Castor oil is not used as animal feed and is very environmentally friendly to grow as the plant does not need pesticides or excessive amounts of water to thrive. It is not for nothing that castor oil is colloquially known as the "miracle tree". The very viscous castor oil for fabric production is produced in Italy.

The production
The castor oil is then thickened with a fruit acid so that it can be spun into a thread. This manufacturing process is CO2 positive[1] because the plant binds more CO2 in its entire lifetime than is released in the entire manufacturing process. No other material can currently do this.
BREDDY'S has carried out multiple tests on its products to determine whether microplastics are released from the fabric blend with bio-based polyamide during washing - all of these tests were negative.
[1] TU study

The advantages of castor fibre
Fabrics made from castor fibre are as sustainable as organic cotton, but as functional as petroleum-based synthetic fibres. They are quick-drying, water-, dirt- and wind-repellent and non-iron. In addition, castor fibre has been shown to be very suitable for allergy sufferers due to its antibacterial quality and high skin tolerance.
The castor fibre fabrics used by BREDDY'S (BIOS+: 48% castor, 48% polyamide, 3% EA Lycra) are highly elastic, shape-retaining and durable.